Read my inspirational book to learn how you can choose to live your best life now!

If you are ready to tap into the power you have within to create more peace, freedom, and happiness in your life, let this book be your guide.

It will shine a light on the stories you tell yourself that limit you, so you can use this self-awareness to make new choices–ones you didn’t think you could make.

“Highly recommend…”

“I highly recommend You Can Choose Your Life as a must on your reading list. Assertively yet gently, Abramson invites you to bring down barriers that you may have set up for yourself that keep you from living life as you truly wish to live it.”

—Stephen Eric Levine
Author of A Storm Chaser’s Journey to Paradise

This book is for you if…

  • You feel like you are still paying for mistakes from the past
  • You know you’re not living up to your full potential
  • You feel stuck in your job, relationship, or both
  • You’ve been in support groups and/or therapy, yet you still feel there is room for growth
  • You got into trouble in the past and are ready to make a new start

Have you made choices you wish you hadn’t? I sure have. And every now and then I find myself feeling less than satisfied about my life. Is this you too? No one likes to admit it. But acknowledging the actual truth is the first step to obtaining the true gold that life has to offer. That’s what I found out the hard way.

In this book I share the impact that my lack of awareness had on my life–how it guided to make choices that were outright dangerous and landed me in prison.

photo of Neal-book-signing
It was only after recognizing that my internal conversations had led me down a path I really didn’t want to be on that I was able to take responsibility for all I’d done and turn my life around. I began making empowering choices, taking my life in a new direction.

And you can too.

None of us have to be locked into old patterns. We can always change them!

“Allows us to explore for ourselves…”

“Neal has presented an approach that allows us to explore for ourselves some of the biggest questions that stand in the way of us having a life we want.”

—Alice V. Ruffel, PsyD.
Clinical Psychologist

Locked Inside
Your Head

Mental prison

Part I is about discovering how your internal conversations have shaped your choices, so you know  why you are stuck exactly where you are in life.

Freeing Yourself From Your Mental Prisons

Part II about becoming more self-aware and responsible for your internal conversations, so you can start making the choices you really want to make today.

Part III:
Going Beyond The Familiar – What’s Possible

Break the chains

Part III is about being ready to receive and access all that’s available to you once you start creating your life from  from possibility rather than from your history. 

“Thoughtful, kind, real…”

You Can Choose Your Life is a thoughtful, kind, real guide that will introduce you to how to discover your own freedom.”

—Tama Kieves
Best-selling author of Thriving Through Uncertainty

About the Author

When Neal was a teenager, he made some pretty big mistakes. After turning his life around, he is now on a mission to help others do the same.

He is committed to helping  people take ownership of their past in a way that leaves them inspired and empowered.

With two master degrees—one in Criminal Justice and the other in Creative Writing—he has worked as an academic advisor, a professor, and a tutor in community colleges, high schools, and middle schools, helping students choose to improve their grades and get clear about their direction in life.

Based on the personal development work he’s done, Abramson helps people choose not only their direction in life, but also their experience of life.

He support people through coaching and courses in having lives they love.